Unit 1: Introduction
“After all, we are parents. Expect to be challenged, expect to have resistance along the way, expect a long, endless, transformational learning journey. It is indeed a journey, not a destination. Remember to be patient, to have compassion for yourself.”

Welcome to this programme on Family Communications – Separating Well for Children.
You’ve taken an important first step simply by logging in to this programme today. By committing to and fully engaging with the content of these modules over the next few weeks, you will be working towards a smooth transition for you and your child(ren).
This programme is not passive learning. It can be viewed as an educational journey with the potential to transform you and your life.
To get the most out of this course, you are invited to not only follow the lessons and watch the videos but also to put what you learn here into context, by reflecting on your own situation. It is important to complete the tasks and workbook exercises and keep a journal, to integrate and consolidate your learning.

Journaling is a powerful tool that helps you sort through and process your experiences, observations, and feelings. If you do not currently have a journaling practice, we recommend you take the following optional micro-course before you get started, as it will complement your core modules. It will take around 15 minutes to complete and can be taken at any time. This link will be available throughout the modules so that you can come to it when you are ready. Click on the link below to open the course in a new tab.

Self-Reflective Practice
To get the most out of this programme, it is essential that you reflect on your own experiences. Put into simple words, self-reflective practice is thinking about or reflecting on what you do. It is like learning from experience, in the sense that you think about what has happened, then consider what you could do differently next time. To prepare for this programme, you may wish to take this optional micro-course on self-reflective practice, before you begin the core modules. It will take around 15 minutes to complete and can be taken at any time.
Getting Started
When you are ready to begin the core modules, we recommend you set aside around 40 minutes each day to fully engage with the programme. It will only last for a few weeks. Commit to it and embrace it. You will feel the benefits and it will go by very quickly.
For the optimum approach, read one unit per day, so that you have the chance to digest the content, reflect on it and try to apply it to your daily life. Each unit has a duration of around 20 minutes. You will also have some tasks and exercises that take approximately 10 minutes to complete, depending on how deep you want to go. Keeping a daily journal is also highly recommended. 10 minutes of journaling per day will help you to process what you have learnt, reflect on how you are applying it and notice the difference it is making to you and your child(ren).
Tips to get the most out of this course