Medium Alternate

Medium Alternate2016-09-22T09:49:15+00:00
2910, 2018

Katherine talks about returning to work and challenging negative perceptions attached to single parenting.

By |October 29th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Katherine talks about returning to work and challenging negative perceptions attached to single parenting.

"I had been working when I became pregnant and after my child was born I made the decision to return to work straight after, it wasn’t an easy decision. [...]

2910, 2018

Melissa talks about the struggles of parenting and becoming a “proud warrior mother”.

By |October 29th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Melissa talks about the struggles of parenting and becoming a “proud warrior mother”.

"As a single parent pretty much from the early months of pregnancy, I have endured and managed the past ten years pretty much on my own. I was told [...]

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